Friday 14 April 2017

The Brew Crew

In 1952 a man set forward to seek out a friendship that the rest of the world could never rival. He sought out the old and the young and embraced all cultures to find the best possible people he could to call his friends. Instead he got stuck just outside of Birmingham and had to put up with this lot. No-one knows how he’s attracted such loyal followers; especially when they take the piss out of him every possible minute they can. But without them, he’s lost; doomed to sit at home on his own with only his wife for company. Occasionally he’s let out to explore the world and he’s happy to go anywhere just so long as he’s got a chance to get away from his wife, and there’s a chance to seek out beers from breweries that he’s never heard of before. And the dirty old man will use any chance he can to cop a feel off the blonde that always trails him.

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