Friday 7 April 2017

Spring Editoriale

Festival season is approaching! Volunteer CAMRA members have been hard at work over the cold winter months plotting and planning to bring you these amazing events! The sun is out, the long weekends are ahead, and there’s plenty of events to choose from. Hopefully you’ll be able to find some great real ale and cider wherever you go (please get in touch and tell us!) But please bear in mind that these events only come into fruition because of the dedication that CAMRA volunteers put in to make these events happen. So why not help your branch out this year by volunteering to become a CAMRA member? You can find the contact details for your local Worcestershire branch at the end of this issue; or visit for details of other CAMRA branches around the UK.
As well as details of festival dates; you’ll also find news about local CAMRA pub awards; which are awarded to illustrate the hard work that our local licensees put into running our favourite British institutions. Please use them or we will lose them!

Pint Taken will be going under a complete overhaul in May, and we hope to bring you a fresh new look for our summer edition which will be out towards the end of July. Your feedback and comments are always welcomed by our volunteer editorial team. We’d also like to thank all our advertisers, contributors and volunteer distributors who have all donated their time and money to help make this edition possible. I’m now off for a beer so cheers and enjoy!

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