Monday 3 April 2017

Barrista Banter

‘Wow, I never expected it to get that far.’
‘Where did it end up?’
‘Well, it makes a change from a motorway verge.’
‘I just think it’s nice when they end up in interesting places. It makes me think that they’ve got interesting lives.’
‘Does this guy have a profile?’
‘Yeah, he’s a weekly sipper. Chooses a bunch of different places. Maybe he’s a travelling salesman.’
‘No, look. Says here that he works in a warehouse. It’s a shame we can’t track them once they’ve dumped the cup.’
‘We can with the reusable ones.’
‘Yeah, that’s why there’s a bar code on the bottom of each one.’
‘Isn’t that against data protection?’
‘Not if they have a loyalty card. They have to agree to it when they join.’
‘That’s scary.’

‘Yep, we can see where our locals are and e-mail them an incentive when sales are down. Corporate can also see whether we’re in the right location.’

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