Wednesday 12 April 2017


Coming soon to a bar near you… it’s Robo-Jan! This state of the art robot will always lurk behind you until you’ve just about reached the bar; then will charge in front of you just as the bartender approaches. She’ll ask a million questions about each ale in a countryside accent with a slight whistle which is painful to understand; which will then cause the bartender to disappear for the rest of the evening in search of answers. When the drinks are finally poured, she insists on counting out all of her small change; examining every denomination in detail as she decides which coins she needs to keep for future reference. Then she’ll ask for a pen and paper to write everything down which will cause the bartender to disappear again, leaving behind a huge queue of impatient customers in their wake. After having ignored you for ten minutes, Jan then decides to chat to you, thus depriving you of flirting with that gorgeous barmaid.  

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