Saturday 29 April 2017

God save the Queen

So this year the treasury have decided to add more chaos to the finance world by introducing a new pound coin in a different shape. Many companies have had to upgrade their vending machines to reflect the change. But isn’t this all a bit pre-mature? Surely (and God bless her heart) our monarch may not have much life left in her, so is a re-print of new coins and notes a waste of time? If Liz did to decide to abdicate and pass the role onto Charlie; surely this would initiate a new wave of freshly printed money and coins? Or are these changes just small fry when it comes to what goes on the money compared to the new shapes, sizes and textures of our finances? Surely this new wave of coinage is just confusing everyone? I recently got a €20c coin in my change when it was supposed to be a pound. If more places were open to accepting electronic version, life would be so much easier and faster. 

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