Saturday 15 April 2017


This slow film has a very light uptake on what some people would see as a dark angle of computer science. The dialogue is slow and uninspiring; as if the characters themselves have given up on life and have ceased to interact with each other. And in a stunning turn of events, this AI has shunned the unusual stereotypical approach of destroying the world, and has instead decided to save it. Or is it replacing it? It’s hard to work out. But there’s definitely a scope of global change here after these events. And why would you risk wiping out today’s known technological civilisation? Surely there must have been considered before putting this into execution? We see very little of this debate from the human side; instead we are just told that it is bad. But even though the virus wipes out the original sentinel being, the nano-mites survive. Could this then lead to an extermination once the nano-mites rebuild their master? Not one of the best forward-thinking films.

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