Monday 24 April 2017

Hopcraft Statement of Intent at the Horse & Jockey, Stapleford

Our last pub of our Nottinghamshire tour came close to winning a national award a few years ago. It’s another community pub which was very busy in the middle of a Saturday night, but we were made very welcome. The large bar was showcasing a brewery takeover, and was selling five different beers from the same brewery. A large timber lounge hosted lots of different sized tables whilst a raised area at the rear allowed others to chat. Behind a door there was another raised area which doubled as a stage, and behind that there was a snug with a small fire. It would be wrong to finish the evening without at least trying a strong beer. Hopcraft is one of those new breweries who like to keep their brews modern to attract a younger audience, and I suspect that they sell their products in keg as well as cask. Bu this beer was very enjoyable.

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