Thursday 27 April 2017

Caught Short #dreamdiary 27

I’m doing a dummy walk for one of my walking groups. It’s a walk which mixes in a pub lunch. The only problem is that I’m a bit short for time. Firstly, Mum has already agreed to make me lunch today and I’ve already agreed to go to the hospital with her, so this will be a very quick run rather than a walk. The second thing is that even though I’ve done this walk before, I cannot remember how long the walk is or work out how long it will take me. I’m standing on the edge of the embankment with the town behind me, grasping my smartwatch in my wrist and pondering the situation. As I look down, I see a large friendly woman set up a large red marquee-styled tent on the green below. In front of me on the hilltop is a beautiful stream trickling through rolling green hills. I’ve got three hours to play with; but I’m probably going to need a shower on my return; especially if I run it. I toy with the idea of calling home, but I already realise that I'm going to be out of time. Sadly, I turn round to abandon the walk and head back down the embankment. 

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