Monday 12 April 2021

Who is Tryanuary?

Tryanuary started off as an opposition force to Dry January. People would traditionally make new year resolutions to drink less and to stay in more to save money and lose weight; especially since in the previous month they did the exact opposite to celebrate Christmas. They’d go into a winter hibernation; venturing out only for what was necessary to keep them sustained and entertained. This meant that the hospitality trade would lose out on their regular trade. Then the Truanuary movement came along and persuaded people to go out and try new things that were offered in these establishments during these quiet periods to keep these businesses afloat. Now it seems to have expanded to encourage people to try different beers; especially during the lockdown period when the cheapest and easiest alternative is a case of cans from the supermarket. There’s even giveaways. It’s a great idea, but just who are the people that are collaborating behind this? Who’s behind the mask?

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