Thursday 8 April 2021

Thoughts? One neighbour keeps parking right in front of our kitchen window and sits in their car every night like clockwork looking into our house. Is there anything I can do about this?

Obviously you’re concerned and you have a right to be concerned as you want to be safe in your property, but have you actually tried talking to your neighbour? It’s fair to say these days that not everyone is switched on and your neighbour may not be realising what they are doing. There’s no point planning a counter to his odd behaviour if you can’t work out why he’s doing it and your reaction may make things worse; especially if he’s on public land or can claim a right to be there. You might even find that you’re able to help him and turn a neighbour into a friend once you discover the reason for his behaviour. You could keep a record of his presence to pass onto the police and make an accusation of stalking you. Failing that, it does get dark at night which gives you the perfect excuse to install some blinds or curtains to give you some privacy.

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