Wednesday 14 April 2021

It's Up There. Somewhere.

At first I thought this was a cool app that would mark a novel occasion to inform me when the space station would pass over my house. But it turns out that because of its distance above the earth, it’s not that seldom that it passes. It’s also strange that you have to tell Alexa which city you want the information for. You’d have thought that it could use your current location; or at least ask you whether it’s here or there. It’s good to know where it is but you need to ask it again closer to the event to find out what direction to look to see it. Okay, it’s up, but is it directly up? And how long should you look for? It’s a big sky up there. As well as telling you the direction and the horizon, it also gives you a brief weather forecast to estimate your chance of a successful viewing. 

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