Sunday 11 April 2021

A Dim Idea

Buying bulbs is confusing at the moment. If it’s an old-style bulb, then bringing an old one into the store isn’t going to be of much use if you don’t know the size of it, especially if it’s not an LED one. The first thing you’ve got to do is get the fitting right. Is it a twisty screw cap or a traditional two-point bayonet? Then you’ve got to find the right size and shape. Is it a traditional mushroom, a miniature globe, or a candle filament? There’s also different filaments and different shades of glass for different effects. Finally, there’s the wattage. The new bulbs are designed to save energy so an old 40w bulb is now something like a 7w bulb, but it’ll still be as bright even though it uses less power. Fortunately, if you buy a new LED bulb, you won’t need another for a long while as they’re supposed to last a lot longer.

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