Thursday 29 April 2021

Life at the Local

From the outside, you might think it’s a surprisingly busy store to get to. It’s on a busy road just outside the commercial shopping district with a big traffic junction and the street is lined with local businesses. But it’s not as bad as it seems. It’s not a store that gets too busy for passing traffic and people aren’t there for long anyway as the store’s not that big. There’s supposed to be a one-way system but it’s not signposted and there’s never been any problems anyway. The next job is to park the boat. Ideally you want the rear doors facing the access ramp so that you’ve got little else in the way as you unload. This might mean blocking the disabled spot slightly or leaning out into the road a bit too much which is my preference. Other cars can still get by, but it may cause a problem for bigger vehicles or those who are parked on the other side.


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