Friday 23 April 2021

Printers are Brats

They really are. You’ve spent ages making your creation or at least saving up for the purchase that you want, and now it’s time to make it more real by giving it a physical presence in the world through the method of putting it on paper. Things start well when you press the power button. Assuming you’ve put in the right plug, you’ll see an encouraging light of hope and maybe even hear some whirring to confirm that there’s life within that plastic shell. Now you’ve got to encourage your computer to find it. Modern users send it through the wi-fi and pray to the God of zap that it arrives, but I still use ye ancient method of a cable. I have to focus on putting the right lead into the right hole for the document to travel down. If I get it right, there’s usually a bit of whirring as the devices catch up with each other.

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