Saturday 3 April 2021

Crazy About Coffee

This amazing substance can get you up and moving in next to no time. Just one cup can perk you up. But too much can put a strain on your emotions and can have you overacting to stimuli. But do people like the taste? I like mine sugary, syrupy, and creamy. And just like cooking, you can add what you want to your taste; as well as adding extra shots to increase the strength. Keep going and you’ll end up with a helluvah cup of hyper-juice to wake you up and get you moving. And it can be quite expensive if you don’t make it yourself. I quite enjoy a good coffee if it’s not burnt, but I can’t stand the smell of those caffeine-based energy drinks. They remind me of alcopops which isn’t a taste that you want to have lingering in the morning to share with your colleagues.

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