Friday 2 April 2021

Brightening up the Garden

In an attempt to make the garden more attractive to my nieces, we’ve introduced garden tat to the fences. This means that if they don’t enjoy the plants on offer, they’ll be entertained by the bright stone and metallic animals that are on display. They’ve even turned it into a game by trying to discover if there’s anything new in the garden every time they visit. One of our earliest offerings is a rustic metallic sun with a smiley face that sits on the fence with sunbeams shaped slightly like flames. Of course, it’s inevitable that some of these ornaments will fall off and break which is why they’re not too expensive. One of the butterflies has already flown away, and we’ve yet to find it. I was waiting for a bad frost so that there wouldn’t be much foliage in the bush so it would be easier to spot but it hasn’t happened yet.

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