Wednesday 28 April 2021

What do you do if you neighbour doesn't respect the property line?

The short answer is that you’d probably want to talk to your neighbour, and if that doesn’t work you’d need to seek out some form of civil enforcement. We’ve had intrusions from both sides of the fence. On one side, the fence was falling apart but it belonged to our neighbour rather than us. The easiest solution was to build our own fence in front of his fence since that would be on our land, but that would take up precious space. The more civil solution would be to negotiate a new fence with our neighbour and offer to pay for the cost in the hope that he would subsidise some of it. This would involve speaking to my neighbour which we really didn’t want to do. Instead, we just went ahead with it in the hope that he wouldn’t complain, and so far he hasn’t. On the side of the fence that we own, our other neighbour has lent some wood against the fence which has slipped through a hole. The hole is more theirs rather than ours as we live on a hill and it’s elevated on their side which sits behind our shed. In short, we’ve got their rubbish. It’ll be interesting when the time comes for us to get rid of it.

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