Sunday 18 April 2021

Push You to Your Limit

Short people can be persuasive; especially when they’re skinny, middle-aged and bald. Perhaps it’s their way of making up for something. You don’t want to put them into a spot of bother by letting them down, but at the same time you know that you’re not supposed to do what they’re asking of you.  In the end you agree to their terms and just hope that nothing goes wrong and that you’re not found out. It might even cause some restless nights. At least this deal is legitimate and there’s an opportunity for you to check that it’s progressing as agreed. But you have to wonder what else they might get up to in their spare time. And once the deal is over, you just hope that they’re not going to ask you again, and hope that you don’t need a favour returned; otherwise they might try to exercise their right to repeat their favour again.

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