Saturday 17 April 2021

Cage Rage

Our stock is transported to and from the warehouse in metallic cages. It’s delivered by a trailer on a truck with a tail lift on the back that the driver controls. We seem to get through many drivers and it’s rare that we have the same one twice. The driver wheels the cages off the trailer and onto the tail lift and lowers it down. We have the happy task of pulling the cages off the tail lift onto the ground then push them up the slope and into the store. Once the tail lift’s empty, it goes back up to the trailer for another load. Sometimes we deal with pallets which involves a second person if it’s heavy. When everything’s off, it’s our turn to return the favour by sending back the empty cages which we have to do at a bit of a run to get them up the ramp and onto the tail lift. It’s a lot of manual labour!  

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