Saturday 24 April 2021

Chad Valley Pull Along Caterpillar

On the screen, he looks quite novel and colourful. He looks like a great toy to encourage little ones to move about and there’s few loose parts to cause damage or worry either. But it’s disappointingly small which just screams shabby at you, which is probably why the dimensions aren’t listed. The cord looks a little cheap; it’s just a simple piece of string that hasn’t been reinforced and could be chewed through if left unsupervised. I love the antenna and eyes that wiggle as the toy is pulled along. It needs batteries to play its 16 songs and flash its lights which is always an off-factor when buying toys. And it’s a shame that there’s no on-line video to demonstrate its lights and sounds in its listing. Maybe it’s because that it would be another off-factor and they’d only be demonstrating tinny speakers. It’s a great example of how sellers can hide the facts to coax you into a purchase.

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