Tuesday 6 April 2021

The Prom Vett #dreamdiary 106

There’s a form in front of me that I need to fill in. it’s just a single sheet of A4 paper with lots of bold tick boxes and blank spaces. A black biro with a silver tip is pushed towards me.

‘What’s this?’ I say.

‘It’s a form that you need to fill in’ answers the girl in front of me.


‘Well, you’ve asked me to the prom. I haven’t answered you yet but yours isn’t the only offer that I’m expecting. I’m therefore trying to picture the evening that you have in mind and I’d like to know your intentions. I’ll then enter the data into a database to compare results from all candidates to determine the best evening.’

‘So there’s no-one that you’d like to go to the prom with at the moment? None of your friends? You’re just exploiting your gender?’

‘That’s correct.’

I push the form back at her. ‘Good luck’ I say and get up and leave the table.

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