Thursday 22 April 2021

The Picture Map #dreamdiary 107

 I’m heading into Wales with my mother for a hiking break. But rather than rely on the sat-nav; we’ve got a book with pictures. It’s not a map but an actual book with full-paged illustrations on the left and text on the right which tells us the history of what we’re seeing alongside written directions. There’s a large rock in the shape of a tower that’s been split into two by lightning and there’s a waterfall flowing down the gap and alongside a grassy knoll. It wouldn’t be ideal if I was alone as I’d have to keep stopping to turn the page; but other than that it’s a great personalised guidebook for our route. I hope that the navigator doesn’t lose their place, and that instructions to return home are included too. But at night or in bad weather I’d be buggered as I wouldn’t be able to see the sights or the landmarks, or probably the book itself for that matter.

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