Tuesday 27 April 2021

Just Waiting

We’re just waiting. There’s nothing else that we can do. I suppose that there are things that we could be doing but once we start them it’ll be too late to finish them because the vehicle will arrive.  Even with a predicted arrival time it’s not guaranteed. As minutes pass into hours, it gets amazing as to how much time is wasted. But if it’s coming out of the company’s pocket, no-one cares unless they’ve got to deal with finishing the job off the same evening or the following day. And once it’s arrived there’s no guarantee that we’ll be leaping into action straight away. Will the driver need to make a quick call on his phone? Perhaps he’ll have to seek out the correct clothes for the conditions outside. Or maybe he needs a quick breather. Either way, we still can’t begin our work until the doors open and the stock appears.


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