Saturday 10 April 2021

I do #devilsdaughter17

The floorboards creaked as she approached the alter. She had no idea who these people were. Most of them had a drink in their hand which meant that they had left the adjacent bar to be part of the service. How could they resist? Her hips were higher than the pedestal, while her hair hung down to cover the exposed top half of her rear end. And of course, as always, she absolutely towered over everyone. The cleric, a topless hunk with a collar, strained to meet her gaze beyond her cleavage which almost overhung him.

‘The service, reverend?’ said Lucinda with a wink.

‘I do’ simply said the reverend.

Lucinda giggled. ‘Maybe later’ she said with a whisper.

The reverend shook his head. ‘My apologies madam’ he mumbled. ‘We are gathered today to witness Luke and Lucinda joining together into marriage. If anyone knows a reason why these two should not be wed, please declare it now.’

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