Monday 5 April 2021

Exaggerating Expiry Dates

There’s nothing worse than giving a customer a product with a low or expired shelf life. But it doesn’t necessarily mean that the product’s unsafe to use. Instead, it might not be fresh as the manufacturer would like it to be. Of course, you should always treat these products with caution if you do end up with an expired date just in case something has become unusable; and always ensure that you get a discount on these products as you’re not guaranteed the best quality. We don’t sell many of these products but as they arrive they’re checked then stored in a special area where they can be monitored monthly. But it’s out of our control if this process is skipped at the sending area and the customer has already purchased the product. Some products do the exact opposite and have a ‘born on’ date rather than a user date; though this is more to help aid manufacturers with their distribution processes, although some people mistake these for expiry dates.

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