Sunday, 31 January 2021
Touchdown in Taksim Square
Saturday, 30 January 2021
As a European, if you could or have to live in the US, what state would you choose and why?
I’ve been to the USA on three different trips. I’ve visited a number of cities and met some great people. I think most people would commonly answer New York; and while I’ve visited and enjoyed the sights of New York; I wouldn’t like to live there. In some ways it’s the commercial cesspit of America. I think I’d like to be further west. I really enjoyed visiting San Francisco and regretted not having enough time there. I missed the opportunity to ride a trolley and didn’t get to go out to Alcatraz. But living in California would be difficult as I wouldn’t appreciate the heat all year round and I don’t have a beach body. One of my favourite cities was Boston and I did enjoy the city’s culture there; but I also enjoy travelling. If I’m choosing a state, I’d like to be in a central hub so that I can explore as much as possible. So I think I’ll settle in Colorado. It’s not somewhere that I’ve been but it’s central and I’ve heard excellent things from people that do live there. Time to sort out my skis…
Friday, 29 January 2021
The Big Bus of Istanbul
We decided to see a few more of the sights that were in the
modern part of the city. Our primary destination was Taksim Square. I was all
for jumping on a tram, but Mum wasn’t that keen riding on public transport with
people that didn’t speak our language. I wondered if this was because of our tram
mix-up yesterday but Mum didn’t confess to this. Instead, we picked up a map
for a tourist double-decker bus and this seemed the best option as we could get
a guided tour along the way. We approached the bus but there was a bit of
confusion over the fare as it was advertised in both euros and lira, so I had
to nip back to the hotel for more supplies. After boarding, it took us a while
to get the on-board commentary up and running, but we recognised where our stop
was and got off to explore.
Thursday, 28 January 2021
Late for a not so Important Date #dreamdiary 102
I’m late for work with no excuse. I was due to start at midday, but I didn’t arrive until 2pm. What possible explanation could I have come up with? I actually awoke at midday but I still can’t account for the two hours that it took to travel the half mile journey. If this is to be a regular occurrence then it’s certainly going to portray something about my character and reliability. I’m tempted to lie but I just can’t think of anything that sounds reasonable and honest. Luckily, it’s been a well-staffed day and there’s enough people present to cover me. The managers aren’t mad but they are concerned about this behaviour, and we’re all standing outside the goods lift trying to figure it out. They’re not letting me go about my duties until I give a valid reason. Oddly enough, I don’t seem to care. I’m just waiting for them to make a decision about whether I should carry on, be let go, or be sent for a psychological evaluation. Fortunately, when I wake up, it’s just under two hours before I’m due to start a shift at 7am.
Wednesday, 27 January 2021
Kebabs and Corn
I love trying different foods. I like to eat with my eyes
rather than by taste, and I hate missing out. That’s why I’d rather eat in a restaurant
that I’d previously walked by and looked in to see what people are eating. But
there were two must dos when visiting Turkey. The first is a kebab. You can
order a kebab in any restaurant and it’ll come with as much meat, sticks and
vegetables you can order, but the best is the donner kebab. The best ones are
served in booths on the street where you can see that the meat has been grilling
slowly all day. I had mine with yoghurt and he offered Turkish spice rather
than chilli on it. I asked for a little to try and it was certainly a powerful
spice! The other thing I tried was grilled corn on the cob; again from a street
vendor. These came in various sizes and were fresh from the field and still had
the green kern attached. They just add butter and pepper, and it melts in your
mouth. Delicious!
Tuesday, 26 January 2021
"If you're doing anything interesting in the world, you are going to have critics. You can't stop it. Move forward. It's not worth losing any sleep over."
-Jeff Bezos.
People will always be jealous of your success. To them it
seems that you’ve earnt your reputation overnight, but you know that you’ve been
putting the time in to achieve your goals for years. It’s only now that people
are beginning to hear of you, and success and fame also come with publicity in
all forms. You might not be able to do everything perfectly, but at least you
can learn from your mistakes. You can use the criticism to make improvements
ready for the next time. If not, you need to put it behind you and move on,
unless you can see that there’s a plausible gain from attacking your critics.
You might get satisfaction from this, but it might also change other people’s
opinions of you which could affect your future. And if you’re going to reflect
on every little bad thing that happens to you, you’ll run out of opportunities
to make progress.
Monday, 25 January 2021
Roaming About
Sunday, 24 January 2021
Hanging for Halfords
It’s MOT time again, and as I’m doing more driving than usual over this difficult period, I decide that I’d better get my new tyres sorted out sooner than later. But for some reason they’d decided to test the car and fail it before fitting the new tyres. This seemed an odd approach as I’d ordered the tyres alongside the MOT and it just seems like a waste of everyone’s time. Unless that was their plan to give their mechanics more hours. It also seemed like the perfect plan to waste my day. After getting up early to drop my car off before heading to the gym, I thought that I’d at least get an update by lunchtime. By 4pm I’d heard nothing so I decided to head down. I had to join a queue of people waiting to collect their cars since they were only admitting two people into my office at a time. I never received an adequate explanation for the delay or of my advisories. It just seemed as if she wanted to process me as quickly as possible. But whether it was because of the situation or of the fact that it was close to quitting time remains to be seen.
Saturday, 23 January 2021
Dossing with Dondurma
Friday, 22 January 2021
Lego Star Wars: The [in]Complete Saga
I love the humour of the Lego games and their animations. Some of the levels are huge and they’re packed with hidden features to find. My favourite one was discovering a disco version of the Star Wars theme. I didn’t really master the art of lightsaber fighting with the Wii remote, and found it much easier with the button pushing. What I do find strange with modern-day games is the lives structure. In old school games if you ran out of lives you had to start again. This would mean that you spent hours scouting out all the cheats to collect as many lives as possible. Nowadays, you just respawn where you fell. Mind you, for a game this big, that would drive you mad. It took me ages to find the missing minikit pieces in the timed levels, then it took me a while to work out that I hadn’t finished the Super Story either. Strictly, I didn’t finish the last level within the hour, but it still gave me the completion bonus. I was a bit disappointed with the 100% completion bonus which gave an anti-climax to the game, especially when I completed without the aid of any walkthroughs. I was hoping that it would be something a bit more fun. Perhaps they ran out of room on the disc. Of course, we all know now that there’s at least another three stories coming out. Whether this will be added to the next generation of consoles will remain to be seen.
Thursday, 21 January 2021
Here's where you could have visited...
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
There were once two friends who would meet every day in the woods. The were supposed to be gathering food for their families but they enjoyed each other’s company so much that they never seemed to accomplish what they set out to do. So towards the end of their day, they would ask others for help who would gladly assist them with their load. Time went on and so did they. They struggled to get their tasks done even more and relied on the kindness of others who felt sorry for their age and inability to get things done. The younger folk replied but they started to get annoyed as they’d note how little the friends got done while they toiled extra hard so that they could accomplish their tasks too. They wondered how the friends would survive if they just focused on their tasks and said no. Perhaps the concept of the friend’s failure was too great a weight for them to bear, but it still meant more work for them. This meant that there were less friendships in the wood.
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I found this part of the saga a bit easier to follow. There’s still few action sequences and the events mostly take place through dialogue; but the majority of this book centred on a specific set of characters which made the story easier to follow which avoids the previous confusion of which characters held which roles. For a science-fiction story, there is a bit of assumed science here and Asimov doesn’t always explain his gadgets and the use of them clearly. I’m also beginning to sense a Star Wars parody here, only with extra politics. The Mule replaces Darth Vader and Bayta is Padme defending the republic. I did find it quite strange that a spy accompanied them at all times and felt that another character would have been more dramatic; though espionage seems to be evident in almost every chapter. I’m also disappointed to read that there’s still no robots; although that could still change and that could be a great part (or hinderance) of Seldon’s great plan. But there’s a great sense of hope here too as afflicted parties battle to avoid a pre-determined fate under their own guidance. The story continues…
View all my reviews
Monday, 18 January 2021
Meandering Miah
There was once a smart girl that I had the privilege to work with. She held the same supervisory position as me but in a sales capacity. She was small but had a cute face in all the right places and loved to chat in her Brummie accent. She loved to club and occasionally we’d venture out of our town and into the city and she’d always invited us to call in on her night out and she’d suggest great places for us to try. Because of her partying lifestyle, she managed to land herself a dream husband who held that perfect occupation that all women loved; a fireman. Then she downsized her time to begin a course in childcare. Then she left the company for a new career. She had a boy then some years later a girl. She still pops into the store occasionally when she’s in the area.
Sunday, 17 January 2021
A bit of Bread
Saturday, 16 January 2021
Clangers Talk
I’m not a big fan of The Clangers. As far as I can see, it’s about a load of mice who squeak in a foreign language, or at least a language disguised as muffling. You can make out the phrase ‘Goodbye’ quite easily. It might have been entertaining in the days that anything cute and colourful that moved was considered watchable for children or at least a distraction for them. But nowadays there’s actions and plotlines and everyone’s looking for a punchline. For all we know, these mice could be swearing at us and asking us to pull our pants down. I wonder if other characters eventually materialise if you keep talking or if you get a new character each time. Or perhaps the algorithm just mimics what you say. It might be entertaining if you’ve watched the show, but for me it’s annoying rather than reminiscent and I remember that I have better things to do.
Friday, 15 January 2021
From Ancient to Modern
Thursday, 14 January 2021
A New Year's Eve like no Other
The trouble with most New Year’s Eve’s is trying to stay awake until the big moment. This wasn’t especially difficult since I’d been at work the night before and decided to treat myself to a big lie-in. Once I’d got up, I decided to see if I could book a gym session. I usually do it on-line but my gym reported through social media that it was having problems with its booking system; probably because of the bank holiday and the fact that it wanted to close early. I gave them a call and wasn’t surprised to find the line engaged. It’s probably because we shifted up a tier the night before and people were making enquiries about their memberships and their group classes which are now postponed. I half expected the gym to be super busy because of this but I managed to book a session within the hour. So after that it simply a case of entertaining Mother with board games until the penultimate hour where we headed upstairs to our respective zoom parties.
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Here's where you could have Stayed
Tuesday, 12 January 2021
The Last Day of School #dreamdiary101
We’re in a sports hall for a final assembly. A speaker has wished us well and we’re all dismissed to return to our dormitories to pack up our things. I spend some time milling with the crowd saying goodbye to various people and faces that I recognise. Suddenly, the crowd thins out and I’ve got no idea where my home buddy is. A passer-by spots me and tells me that I’m to meet him in the car park. I drift through the corridors back to my room to pass, stopping outside a shop that sells sports racquets that’s randomly inside the corridors. There’s racquets leaning against the wall underneath the windowsill, and a big tin bin full of tennis balls is being used as a doorstop. I reach my room and start stripping my red bedsheets and use them to outline the contents of my old blue leather suitcase. Then I start filling it with dirty clothes. At least when I get to my friend’s house I can just discreetly pick them all up as a sack and shove it into the washing machine and none will be any the wiser as to what’s inside.
Monday, 11 January 2021
Swirling Durlish
Sunday, 10 January 2021
Beauty & the Beast
This was the first of Disney’s films that I’d seen from animation into a live-action film. The sets look amazing, and it’s hard to tell the difference between what’s been digitally recreated and the set. I’d even like to think that Belle’s village exists somewhere (other than in a theme park) and that a team of location scouts were recruited to hunt it out. Watson’s skills as an actress were believable. This was the first time that I’d watched her in something other than wizards and it’s good to see that she’s grown out of her arrogance. And I didn’t spot Ewan McGregor as a candlestick either. But I’m not entirely sure why Disney has commissioned these films. As far as I can see, there’s no difference between plots other than a hole where Phillipe conveniently stays at the castle for Belle to make her escape. There’s no new songs or characters; even though the run time seemed to have increased. Perhaps they’re encouraging an older generation to reconnect with their movies and purchase the animated version to entertain their little ones. Even so, it’s a very enjoyable movie.
Saturday, 9 January 2021
A Wander on the Rocks
we’d had a large breakfast we weren’t really in the mood for a lunch. We’d seen
the planned sights for the day so we decided to take a walk alongside the sea.
We hadn’t really researched this far; but we headed south until we hit the
coastline. What we didn’t realise was that because the historical part of the
city had very narrow roads, the city had decided to build one giant main road
alongside the Sea of Marmara. We ambled along as best we could until we could
cross the road and walk next to the sea. There was no sign of a beach but we
did see lots of rocks occupied by busy fishermen earning their keep. Sometimes
there’d be an odd sunbather. We did pass an old lighthouse and sections of the
walled part of the city. Occasionally we saw the odd boat offloading tourists
from a Bosporus cruise, but these looked quite pricey as they included a
banquet. What we didn’t take was any water
and our mouths were very dry when we returned to our hotel.
Friday, 8 January 2021
Big Books
Mum felt that we needed to try and create some more space in my room. She kept bruising her leg on the TV cabinet as she brushed by. Her plan was to mount the TV on the wall but this meant that I’d have no space for any DVDs or its player which was stored underneath. Instead, I proposed constructing a shelf which would house the TV on top of a chest of drawers which would allow the DVD player to sit underneath. This would then create room for a bookcase to sit in place of the cabinet which could hold any excess items and wouldn’t protrude out from the wall as much. The bookcase would also be able to hold any surplus items from underneath my desk which would be the host for my new PC tower. It also holds a pile of books on the bedside table. In fact, it’s quite impressive as to what it does hold.
Thursday, 7 January 2021
Airborne Turks
with a foreign airline can be a bit risky; especially if you haven’t flown with
them before. I half expected miniature goats in cages to be loaded onto the
plane or old women carrying hens that they couldn’t ear to be without. But to
their credit, Turkish Airlines did a good job. Their staff offer service
with a smile and are friendly and polite which is more than can be said for
some of the major UK operators whose staff are willing to enforce the rules the
moment you attempt to unbuckle your seatbelt. There was a good range of
in-flight media; though Mum’s didn’t work so we switched seats as I was happy
to read my book. The food on offer was Turkish fayre but it was complimentary,
and you got a choice and it wasn’t bad. But the thing that made me chuckle most
of all was the safety video. They’d got Lego to create an animation with
its usual humour.
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
Fashion Show #nuclearmermaid 17
The key difference between her and the others were her flippers. If she could wrap her tail well, her fins could be used to portray the leather covers that the bipeds wore; even though this meant that she would have to stand up to move. This would mean that she’d need a stick to keep herself propped up. Fortunately, there was just such a stick next to the water with some shiny metal on its end. She’d still tower above the bipeds though. She hoped that the bipeds came in different sizes though she wasn’t too sure of this. She picked up a top cover and wondered if she could gather her long hair into it to make a headpiece. But the main thing that she’d need to hide were her beautiful breasts protruding from her torso. She didn’t know how best to do this since they’d only developed while she’d been in captivity and she couldn’t recall any sightings of the female bipeds.
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Fountain of Misfortune
Monday, 4 January 2021
My daughter's iPhone had been stolen during class at school and caught someone who stole it, but her parents say that they will not pay compensation. What should I do?
You’re not clear on what happened after the phone was lost and what the costs that occurred were once you realised the theft was discovered. Without this knowledge, it’s difficult to establish what compensation you are entitled to. Is the phone damaged or unusable? Is there an inconvenient situation which arose in the intermission between the discovery of the loss and the realisation of the theft? Did you spend an appropriate amount of time searching for the phone that would have benefitted you in another situation? Was the phone returned to the rightful owner and in working order? For all I know, your daughter could have dropped it in kindergarten which begs the question as to why she had one at all. It’s also very clever for an iPhone to have caught the person who stole it all on its own as you have alleged. Finally, you haven’t said why they will not pay compensation. Is it because they won’t or they can’t? If it’s the latter, is there a more practical solution that can be put into place so that the offender can pay off her debt instead of you screaming for $$$? So before we call on the lawsuits; let’s have some context and specifics please! This answer was brought to you by the department of common sense.
Sunday, 3 January 2021
Just Checking
Saturday, 2 January 2021
"Few people become successful overnight at any endeavor. Most people have learned to stick with whatever it is they wish to achieve and to work step by step until they reach their objective. That has certainly proven true in my life.”
-Chuck Norris.
It would be great if we could just download the next set of skills that we need for the following day; and delete the ones that we don’t think that ‘ll use. We’d suddenly be experts at everything. The only problem that we’d have then would be that everyone would be assimilated into having the same set of skills, and that there’d be no uniqueness left in the world. But back in the twenty-first century; following steps just sounds too easy and it’s like you’re following someone else’s plan. Some of us are still busy figuring out what the next step is and what it is that we should stick to; let alone knowing whether we’ll achieve our target. Some of us may aim too high every time and will never reach it, while others want an award simply for getting up in the morning. It’s certainly bad news for anyone who fancies a change of direction.
Friday, 1 January 2021
Bad Smell Day
Do you get ready to go to the barbershop? I suppose a pre-visit
shower would be courteous and gives you the opportunity to get rid of any
tangles as well for a smother snip. I wonder if body smells are amplified in close
quarters or if they’re just more noticeable. I guess they’re used to it or it’s
something that they have to put up with. They probably get people finishing
their shift early and find the convenient time to call in on the way home;
either before or after the pub. I suppose they have to consider the difference
between a sale and a potentially loyal customer or setting standards for your
service; especially if there are other customers waiting. But then you’ve got
the after smell of freshly laundered fingers in your hair for the rest of the
day (unless it’s the ammonia from the hairspray). So once again, do you tidy up
before your trim or afterwards?