Friday 31 July 2020

Screen Art

It’s amazing what the camera can and can’t see. What might look like a normal white screen through a pupil generates a completely different pattern when it comes to screen on screen. I’ve got no idea whether it’s just dirt, dust and coincidence or whether the screen was already marked like that. Or the screen could have been cleaned and this could be the mark that the cloth left behind; but I’ve no idea whether it’s temporary or permanent. If you look closer, there’s even shaded bits of yellow. Is that coming from the screen itself or the light reflected onto it? I guess the non-yellow bits must be hidden by my shadow. There’s even a chip which creates a 3D effect; even though this is on the recorded screen rather than my own. And yet when it comes to zooming in from a distance; the lens can be rather blurry and unfocused. It struggles to interpret what the human eye can. Either that or I need to clean my lens. 

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