Wednesday 15 July 2020

Chain Reaction

This could be a handy tool to have around the office. Just slide that office chair to one side, strap on the string and practice your soccer skills until that next important phone call or e-mail comes in. It certainly saves you a few paces from having to retrieve the ball every time. And why use a ball? You could use any round thing that’s lying around from rolled spreadsheet printouts to a colleague’s handbag left lying on the floor– your feet are the limit! Although outdoor space is recommended, there’s no reason why a bit of office clutter shouldn’t get knocked over, especially if it isn’t yours. And even in your office shoes you’ll still master the ball, and who knows; they could be your accessory of choice during the next big game. Which might take place in the loading bay at the rate that things are going. Expect lots of tangle tantrums but at least you’ll be prepared to take on those Christmas lights at the end of the year.

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