Tuesday 7 July 2020

Pillow Talk

What do you wear to answer the door? I suppose it depends on who you’re expecting. If it’s a time that’s pre-arranged, then you want to be ready. But what do you do if someone unexpected calls? Do you dash around the house and throw something on or do you throw caution to the wind and open the door as you are? And then there’s deliveries. You’re obviously expecting someone to knock on the door but you can’t guarantee precisely when. So do you get ready for them or do you do you own thing while you’re waiting, whether that’s freshening up, pottering about, or simply entertaining someone? But the last thing that you want to see is a man standing in his Y-fronts with an erection in front of you. That just causes a glimpse of awkward eye contact and then the delivery person just wants to get the hell out of there and bleach their eyeballs out.

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