Wednesday 1 July 2020

Right product in the right place

When you’re moving stock about, it’s important to get the right product to the right place at the right time, all so the customer has a seamless journey to collect their item that they’ve paid for in advance. It’s not too much to ask. But amazingly, mistakes do happen, and items get sent to different destinations. It’s as simple as putting the wrong item on the wrong shelf because you’ve mis-read the label, or it falls off and gets put back in the wrong place. But a simple accident such as this can cause havoc at the other end as angry customers demand where their stuff is. It also causes great stress on the middlemen as they try to fix the problem; even more so when they get told to collect some extra stuff from the wrong location and deliver it to a second wrong location; only to return the second wrong location to collect it and deliver it to the right one. The mid boggles as to why so many mistakes are allowed to slip through.  

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