Sunday 12 July 2020

Back at the Bar

And so the pubs re-opened. I wasn’t desperate to rush out as I didn’t fancy the idea of having to queue up and register or even book in advance. Not that I could anyway. A pub should be somewhere that you can call into at leisure; and the idea of pre-bookings only restricts your freedom to come and go as you choose. There’s little chance of calling in on your own as a solo customer unless you’re a known local. Nevertheless, I enquired as to the process for a group of four of us after a walk on a quiet Monday lunchtime for a pint in the beer garden and perhaps a pot of lunch. We had to ring the bell to be admitted. We had to sign the visitor book; although I was able to do it just once for the whole of our party members. Drinks were served in plastic glasses and food was in foil containers. But the ability to socialise with other customers had vanished.

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