Sunday 5 July 2020

Fire Pit

I walked into work to start my shift. I got some van keys and picked up my tracking device. The manager was playing about with keys near the doors. Suddenly the fire alarm goes off. I wonder if we should evacuate but no-one seems too bothered. The manager asks ’why aren’t we evacuating’? Probably because we saw him messing about by the control panel. We turn towards the nearest exit but he asks us to evacuate through the back. This means that we must walk half a mile through the service yard of the retail park to get the assembly point. As we pass the vans, I contemplate hopping into mine and driving the rest of the way. I’ve no idea what the chosen assembly point is but there’s no doubt that it has something to do with food. If this was a real emergency, at least we wouldn’t go hungry. 

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