Monday 27 July 2020

Is this the right Address?

We get a fair few interesting addresses to find when making our deliveries. The ones that we really hate are the ones that don’t have house numbers and don’t leave details as to where they’re hiding. If we’re lucky, the sat-nav or postcode will land us on the driveway of the destination. But if it doesn’t, we go on the hunt. As we approach the destination, we have to drive slowly with our hazard lights passing house after house straining to see the name of it; all while keeping an eye on traffic attempting to pass from behind us. Quite often when we’re in this situation we’re helped out by the locals to which we are eternally grateful; as they are to us for sending us out of their way. Sometimes we phone up the customer to ask for directions. But occasionally we’re wandering down a driveway wandering if we’re in the right place or if we’re going to be shot by an annoyed landowner.

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