Wednesday 8 July 2020

Jumping Jen

She’s a female version of Harry Potter. She’s got a short blonde and black ponytail with round glasses in a thin frame to match the rest of her. She speaks in a slow but very high-pitched tone which makes it quite irritable and difficult to understand her sometimes. I often wonder if she’s foreign. She’s been in Warwickshire for some time and has had several interesting jobs. She even worked in the theatre for a while until it turned out that she was a waitress; though she did get to serve some famous people. She lives locally but chooses to bike around town rather than drive; even though she holds a licence. I can’t imagine how timid she is out on the roads. She also has a teenage daughter so she’s older than she looks, but just how old we don’t know. It’s hard to picture what she gets up to outside of the workplace.

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