Friday 3 July 2020

Christmas Tree Craze

There was a time when Christmas trees came in netting rather than a box. You’d go to the local market or drive to the nearest nursery and pay someone for a tenner for something that they’ve ripped up out of the ground. Then you’d put it in a pot and shove a load of shiny stuff on it; then two weeks later you’d get rid of it. Then came the idea of recycling your Christmas tree. You could save a bit of money by planting your tree in the garden then dig it up again the following year. It’s a great idea if the tree survives, but it takes a lot of time and effort to avoid forking out another tenner. Then came convenience. A reusable tree that’s collapsible and (supposedly) doesn’t shred pine needles on the carpet every year. The only thing you’ll lose is that fresh alpine smell which is why people go crazy for them.

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