Tuesday 21 July 2020

Bedtime Blues

I’ve had a bump. I was put under unexpected pressure when driving the van. The sat-nav directed me down a single-track road and in my haste to get out of the way with another vehicle behind me, I backed into the wall. Fortunately, the tow bar bared the brunt of the blow and I fled the scene in embarrassment. Luckily, I didn’t hit any other vehicle and I did return to the scene afterwards to confirm that there was no damage. But that agonising feeling that you may have done something offensive to your fellow man just lingers over you. You may give it a quick mention to a friend in passing but somehow you don’t feel relieved because you haven’t told the full tale. In a way you just don’t want the hassle, but is it going to be more hassle later if you don’t confess now? Hopefully you can just forget about it at night, shrug it off and move onto the second day, wondering if it will ever catch up with you. It’s either that or become a catholic and attend confessional. 

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