Wednesday 22 July 2020

What would wind look like if we could see it?

We can feel it as its force passes over us. We can hear it howling. And we can see the effect that it has on the objects around us. But why can’t we see wind itself? Sometimes I think I can. If I stare at the sky long enough, I can see thin wavy lines as if something’s passing. It’s like a pane of wavy glass. Either that or I need to get my eyes checked. Other people conjure up images of a face in a cloud exhuming a great exhale. Perhaps it’s the breath that I’m seeing. You can’t usually see someone’s breath unless it’s cold. So by the same argument, is that how mist is formed? In which case, there needs to be a source of all this. Scientists say that it’s the effect of different air pressures reacting to each other created by heat sources from different environments. But they’ve never got the weather completely accurate.  

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