Sunday 26 July 2020


It sounds corny when a TV station makes a drama about a gameshow it produced, but it turned out to be as entertaining as the show itself. I loved the comedy that was written into this mini-series, and the conspiracy that was created when contestants got together was fascinating. Sheen did an excellent job of impersonating Tarrant and sounded just like him even if he didn’t look the part; though he came off as arrogant and above everyone at times. I know that certain elements of the story were dramatized for entertainment purposes but it further complicated the truth of the event. Ingram seemed innocent enough in the events preceding his time in the hotseat, but the way in which he just decided to keep listing the answers was just infuriating. Why would you do that? And the closing episode could have been drawn out much longer with an insight from the jury. After all, a unanimous verdict wasn’t reached. I’m not sure about the title though. I think that something related to a cough would be better suited; but perhaps that would have been sensitive in today’s current climate.

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