Tuesday 28 July 2020

What's the most absurd question someone has asked you about the UK?

I love the ignorance of Americans. They think because everything is bigger, it’s the best and everything else is small in comparison. They think everyone knows each other or is related to one another. We probably are, just like everyone else on the planet. We just need to find the connection. So when they ask me if I know the Queen, I tell them that I pass her at least once a week as I gallivant around in my horse-drawn carriage. I’m that close to her that I always carry a picture of her in my wallet. Then they ask to see the picture excitedly expecting some sort of private portrait or hanging out on a lawn with the princes, and instead I draw out a five-pound-note. It’s great to see them try the same trick on their friends, but somehow it doesn’t have the same effect. I guess you need the international glamour. 

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