Saturday 4 July 2020


One dirty habit that I have is to pick my feet. I tend to get very dry skin and sometimes I just have to sit there and peel it off. I guess it first started when I was younger and I would often have wet feet as they weren’t dried properly; either after bathing or after physical activities. These would then form blisters which would burst and I’d try to peel away the remaining damage. Over time, different parts of my feet have been soft and hard at the same time; depending on how much physical activity that I’ve done. I suppose that I really need to grow up and resist the urge, or at least try and put cream on them regularly to stop this from occurring in the future. God knows what damage I’ve done and whether I’ll have a nerve condition in the future. They say that courage is the ability to face pain. Well I’ve carried on regardless several times despite how much my feet ache or bleed, but this doesn’t necessarily make me feel courageous.

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