Thursday 30 July 2020

All's Straight at the Helix Hotel

I needed a stopover before crossing the border, and Grangemouth seemed an ideal location. Coming down from John ‘O Groats, I ran into a bit of traffic but I arrived five minutes before my notified check-in-time after running into a service area for some shops. The pictures on-line made it look good enough, but the location wasn’t great. It seemed to be opposite a council estate and there was only street parking; perhaps that was something that I should have looked up on Google first. But the receptionist was friendly enough; telling me that I was her last arrival and that she was planning on shutting the bar at nine (odd, but perhaps there weren’t many guests staying). My room was of a good size for a single, and was clean and comfortable. I had my own TV and decent enough wi-fi. I good night’s sleep apart from some insistent banging as someone was attempting to wake another guest in the early hours. But I got up late and had a pleasant enough breakfast before loading the car up for the last leg of the journey; after I’d found the right one; that is.

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