Friday 24 July 2020

If there's any message, it is ultimately that it's okay to be different; that it's good to be different, that we should question ourselves before we pass judgement on someone who looks different, behaves different, talks different, is a different colour.

-Johnny Depp.

The trouble with these quotes is that they look great written down independently; but it’s hard to find out when the person said or wrote it and in what context. It makes it a lot harder to accept these quotes if you’re reading them while on trial in court. But it’d be boring if everyone just did the same thing; but when your actions have negative consequences upon others; they tend to be less accepted by society. And people will treat you different if you’re different as they don’t know how you’ll respond to their normal interaction. And that’s how inequality starts. Most people are too afraid to try. It’s the doubt that they may not follow the mould that you want them to. But the only way to conquer this fear is to just do it; it’s only after that interaction that you have the right to evaluate, and you should never judge beforehand.

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