Sunday 19 July 2020


It must be hard being a plastic tree. You spend most of your life in a box in a warehouse, but at least you’re surrounded by your fellow kind. Then in Septimber, you’re divided up and put on the move, and you know it won’t be long till you’re let out. And if you’ve got all the right qualeafications; that’s the time you’ll be worshipped by your new owners as you’re proudly dressed up and put on display. Hopefully you won’t make a mess or be attacked by the other occupants. If you survive, you’ll be put back into a box and be stored away in an even smaller room unless your new owners are lazy. When you get down to the root of the problem, it just leaves you stumped and you can’t even get sappy like a real tree. It feels like you’re on the wrong root. You better beleave it.

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