Thursday 9 July 2020

White Trash

I’ve never understood the appeal of these small Warwickshire towns in the middle of nowhere. I suppose they started off as villages as some point, but in later years they’ve grown into small towns, and may even have hosted council housing. Suddenly you get these people from out of nowhere flung into these places as if the government’s trying to hide them away from everyone else. People who don’t really have the sense of how to maintain a home. Sometimes it just gets to a point that rubbish, toys (both new and broken) are just left outside piled in an overflowing garden without any sense of security or order. Some even go to the extreme of leaving raw meat in its packaging on its doorstep. You’d like to think that it had fell out of a shopping bag on the way in or that it’s been the subject of a feud but you like at the similar mess and have to wonder what is going through the minds of these people.

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