Tuesday 30 June 2020

Killer Clown #dreamdiary90

I’m being pursued by a killer clown with a machete. He’s wearing a black leather jacket with jeans and boots, and he’s spouting red hair either side of his ears. He has white make-up and he has a red dog nose rather than a round or human one. I’m in the town centre on a dark autumn night. There’s no rain but it’s cold and the wind is howling all around me. I’ve managed to duck into a service yard but it’s a dead end. I suppose that I could try and climb the wall by propping myself in the corner if he does decide to come down here. But if I slip then he’s got me. Then again, if he shows up, he’s got me. Perhaps I should start climbing now while I’ve got a bit of time so I won’t be as scared. Either that or I should ready myself for a fight.

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