Sunday 28 June 2020

Fone Shop

My phone wouldn’t turn on. It’s been kept in its case since day one for two years. After a long charge it still wouldn’t turn on so I suspected that it needed a new battery which would be cheaper than shelling out for a new phone. I went to a computer shop where my mother had hers done last year but got told that they don’t do them any more as the man who supplied that service had left. That led me to one of the independent stores that sells cases on a kiosk. So for security purposes, I made a note of the serial number before I went in. He asked me to leave it with him for twenty minutes so I wondered around the shopping centre and bumped into an old works colleague. Forty minutes later, I returned to find he’d gone walkabout and he’d left a friend in charge. He showed up ten minute later and told me that it’s still charging and asked me to get him a Red Bull while we waited! So I popped to the shop and saw that they only had the sugar-free variety and I wasn’t going back to ask him if that was OK. When I returned, there was some more waiting around and he’d told me that he’d tried a battery but still couldn’t get it to work. He suspected that his battery would be faulty and that if I left the phone with him, he’d be able to try again tomorrow when more stock arrived. So a day later there was some more waiting around then he explained that he’d tried three different batteries and they still wouldn’t work. Time of phone death: 17:23. He offered to sell me a refurbished phone from his shop but I wanted something new.

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