Tuesday 23 June 2020


At first glance, you may think it’s just another bimbo but this one is ruthless and cunning. She knows when to flaunt her good looks and when it’s inappropriate not to; and she’ll also take advantage of this to tell others not to do the same thing. She’s happy to discuss the best of gossip out of confidence and spread any rumour that comes her way. She’ll talk to you about the image of the company then become the ultimate hypocrite as you pass your workplace watching her stick her tongue down someone’s throat while in full uniform. She’ll happily shout at you when you’re doing something wrong but will offer very little help to your own career development. She wants to remain ahead of the competition. Even when she’s out of a job, the company is loathe to let her go. They’ll happily keep her on the payroll until they’ve found somewhere that she can dominate.

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