Friday 5 June 2020

Measuring Up

I’ve got some slat blinds in my room. They’re good at covering the window, but what they’re not good at is blocking out the light. The window’s not very tall as it overlooks a windowsill but it’s quite wide. I thought that a blackout blind might do the trick so that I can carry on with my computer during the summer. It’s a great distraction. So I’d thought I’d try out the measuring app on my phone. I’ve got no idea how it works. Perhaps the camera uses a laser to calculate how far it’s away from things and calculates the perspective distance? But how do you know it’s calculating the correct surface? Can you trust its accuracy? And how do you use the app anyway? It’s often quite tricky to get a reading and if I was to rely on it, I’d have to google the app for instructions. If I was doing some building work or making a purchase, I’d still use an old-fashioned tape measure just to be sure. On the other hand, I should really be outside when the sun’s streaming through the window.  

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