Monday 22 June 2020


She means well, but also interferes. She never realises intrusion or privacy, and is often nosey to spread the gossip. She doesn’t recognise when she’s in the way of others. She has to be entertained, but it’s always someone else who has to do the entertaining for her. She seems to be incapable of discovering things for herself; and expects that there should be instructions for everything. So rather than take up hobbies with her spare time or learn a new skill, she likes to interfere in the affairs of others. And then there’s the remembering. It’s not instant forgetfulness as she’s quite into a routine; but if you ask her to try something different the next time that she completes a task; she’ll forget all about it. It’s the long-term memories that begin to deteriorate. Still, we must look after for as long as we are able just as she did to us. 

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