Sunday 21 June 2020

Winter Wonderland

We like to take the girls ice-skating for a winter treat. Usually it’s just me and them while the grown-ups watch at the fun we have because they won’t risk it. So we wrap up warm and head for the upmarket garden centre. They have a temporary small rink just for Christmas as the nearest one is miles away, and you need to book in advance to guarantee a place. There’s also toys on hire for the younger ones; a penguin that you push around to decrease your chance of falling over; or for the even smaller there’s a banana that up to two small children can sit on. But the garden centre relies on the older ones wandering through the winter wonderland to purchase the novelty items on display. There’s all sorts of Christmas decorations at ridiculously marked-up prices. We use the experience to browse what’s on offer, then if we do spot something that we really want, we pop into the coffee shop and out comes the smartphone to see where we can get it cheaper. 

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